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Mohammed Zafor Ullah Nizam

Consortium Projects in the Rohingya Response in Bangladesh: An Overview

The Rohingya refugee crisis, one of the largest humanitarian emergencies in recent years, has created enormous challenges in Bangladesh, especially in Cox’s Bazar, where over 900,000 refugees are hosted. The influx of refugees from Myanmar has put significant pressure on resources, infrastructure, and services in both refugee camps and host communities. In response, consortium-based interventions […]

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Sponsorship Challenges Unveiled: Proactive Measures for Lasting Impact

Introduction Sponsorship programs play a vital role in supporting vulnerable communities, particularly children, by providing them with financial assistance, educational opportunities, and access to essential services. These programs, often run by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and charitable organizations, rely on the generosity of sponsors who commit to supporting individuals or groups over a period of time. […]

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Community-based Model Program for Orphan Children

A community-based model program for orphan children focuses on providing care, support, and opportunities within a community setting, rather than in institutional orphanages. This approach aims to integrate orphaned children into the community, ensuring they have a family like environment, access to education, healthcare, and opportunities for personal development. Here’s an overview of the key […]

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Programming Approach – Theories of Child-Rights and Protection

Child rights and protection programming is underpinned by various theories that guide the design, implementation, and evaluation of programs aimed at ensuring the safety, wellbeing, and rights of children. Here are some of the key theories:   Human Rights Theory Concept: Rooted in international human rights law, particularly the UN Convention on the Rights of […]

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Strategic Planning for Child Rights and Protection Programming

Strategic planning in the context of child-rights and protection programming involves a systematic process to establish priorities, allocate resources, and strengthen operations to achieve specific goals related to the welfare and protection of children. Here are the key components: Situation Analysis Needs Assessment: Identify the specific needs and issues affecting children in the target area. […]

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From Crisis to Relief: Managing Humanitarian Programs Effectively

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